The dungeon map. It's really just a treasure map, innit? One filled with poison darts and curses. Somehow piles of wealf make their way to the hearts of such places. It's up to us to set them free! The Dungeoneer's Atlas is a deck of geomorph map cards, or tiles that can be laid out and connected to form a randomized, playable dungeon. The actual configuration can vary, but a 3x3 map has been our focus for design and play-testing. The Dungeoneer's Atlas allows for unique, fully furnished dungeons to be created on the fly!
Each tile has been lovingly created by hand with ink on paper, a tale woven with iconography. It was a difficult decision to begin digitizing them, but after printing some samples I had to acknowledge that the digital renderings better translate to a deck of cards. Even still, every tile has been artfully created on paper before being translated by map editing software, retaining the narrative quite nicely. This is a work in progress, refining the overall aesthetic and iconography through iterative prototyping.
The subject for the first collection was an obvious choice. Once we publish the Classic Dungeon collection, and a few compatible Dungeon Keys, we intend to create a Dungeoneer's Atlas for additional themes.

Left: A photo of some of the original Classic Dungeon ink drawings.
Right: Nine digitally translated tiles printed to card stock, arranged in a 3x3 grid to form a seamlessly randomized dungeon map.